Monday, May 23, 2011

Note of precaution..

Jus so u know, my unnamed entry (me going to some guy's house) was from a book. It did not happen in real life. It did Not.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

post break up

dont be sad. be angry, and u'll be fine
thing is i aint even angry at nobody. just angry at myself for stooping so low, and inflicting pain on myself.

like eminem said lah :
'Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.