and why is that? cos most of the girls ive met would rather be in a sausage fest than have girl talk. the bitchy gossip sesh could also be a factor. nonetheless, if one had bothered to spend time with me one would discover my aversion to insignificant chats anyway. why talk about how bad her hair dye turned out to be when sharks have been found swimming in the floods of brisbane?!
Last week, I got introduced to a girl whom Jon ( fake name used due to overuse of the words 'girlfriends' and 'dudes') described as friendly and easy to get along with. And so, preparing myself for a jovial and good-humoured ladette, I was rather disappointed yet not surprised to meet Leiya, who was talkative but her neck would somehow just crane to all directions but mine. And ofcourse, we were surrounded by a group of gentlemen at that moment.
What happened to girl power? What happened to us girls have to stick together? These days there just has to be a guy tagging along. Whats even more preposterous is that a guy somehow has to have a female best friend. Sometimes it just makes me want to yell : ARE U THAT GAY MY FRIEND? An ex of mine had a girl for a best friend and no it didnt feel like we were playin tug of war at all. A friendship of the opposite sex is clearly different than a same sex one. Firstly there are barriers to what we can and cannot do to each other (punches, air kisses etc), secondly we have different shaped genitals. Need i say more?
basically if i can ever find a decent female who, when in a room full of guys, would rather talk to me than them? then the world really is turning upside down.